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Nevada County's Grass Valley Library offers #Adulting, a free, monthly after-hours program designed for young adults in their 20s and 30s to build essential life skills.
Each session features a local expert presenting on topics such as finances, housing, health insurance, and cooking basics. The program creates a relaxed environment where participants can learn, ask questions, and connect with others in similar life stages.
Services include:
Web pages
12 STEP PROGRAMS #86260273
The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center can refer people to other 211 call centers in California and around the USA.
Find contact centers around the United States here.
You can also call 866-FIND-211 (866-346-3211) to find your county's 211 in California. Your call can be transferred to your local 2-1-1.
(Note: If you work at a 2-1-1 in California and would like your county to route appropriately through the 866-find-211 phone line, please contact Eve Hamilton at
California 211 Direct Phone Numbers | |
2‑1‑1 is a free telephone number providing access to local community services. 2‑1‑1 is available in multiple languages, allowing people access to information and to obtain referrals for resources such as physical and mental health, housing, utility, food, transportation, employment assistance, and suicide and crisis interventions. 2‑1‑1 also provides disaster preparedness, response, and recovery during declared emergencies. | |
County | Number |
24-HOUR CRISIS LINE - 530-272-3467
Text - 530-290-6555
Chat -
Business line - 530-272-2046
Community Beyond Violence offers a 24 hour crisis line which is available 365 days a year to victims in crisis from domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or dating violence, and for their friends or family members. Advocate/Counselors are available 24 hours a day for counseling and response to the hospital or law enforcement. Depending on circumstances, possible emergency transportation, food, and shelter may be available to those in crisis. All services are free, confidential and non-discriminatory.
Web pages
This is a Ready to Grow (R2G) resource. Ready to Grow is a First 5 Nevada County program to connect children 0-5 with services and information that support their well-being. Organizations with programs that have this R2G tag may have additional programs of interest to families.
The Assistance Dog Special Allowance (ADSA )Program provides a monthly payment to eligible persons who use a guide, signal, or service dog to help them with their disability-related needs. The allowance is to help pay the costs of food, grooming, and health care for the dogs.
To be eligible for the ADSA program, you must meet all four of the following criteria:
1. Lives in California
2. Is blind, deaf, hard of hearing, or disabled
3. Uses the services of a trained guide, signal, or service dog
4. Receives benefits from one or more of these programs -
Web pages
Auburn Adventist Community Services, at the Auburn Seventh-day Adventist Church, has been around since the 1970s and offers a variety of services for families and individuals who are in need, out of work or simply find that the month lasts longer than the paychecks every once in a while. Call to confirm the days and times that services are available. 530-823-0345
Services include:
Auburn Interfaith Food Closet serves individuals and families living in Central Placer County, from Loomis to Emigrant Gap and Lake of the Pines to Foresthill.
We provide enough groceries to make 12 meals for each member of the household. Guests may visit the Food Closet once every month (30 days). Our Home Delivery Program delivers groceries once a month to low income homebound seniors. We give out nutritious food, guided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Choose My Plate guidelines, including Protein, Dairy, Fruit, Vegetables and Grains. Foods are tailored to meet the needs of the homeless.
AIFC participates in The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
How to get started
Come and visit us at the Food Closet. If you need someone to pick up groceries for you, pleas…
This program provides an overview of Benefits & Services offered by the California Department of Social Services. Some services are funded and managed by individual counties. Visit web pages for information about things listed below and contact your county as necessary.
CalFresh, formerly known as Food Stamps and known federally as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), provides extra funds to help those who are in need each month to buy groceries.
With a CalFresh electronic “debit” card (known as EBT) you can buy most foods at many food stores and farmers markets.
Apply for CalFresh
Californians can visit or to apply or call 877-847-3663 (FOOD) to be connected to their local county social service office.
The ebtEDGE application provides EBT cardholders with increased card/account management tools. It can be downloaded from the app store, or accessed via a web browser.
Web pages