The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center can refer people to other 211 call centers in California and around the USA.
Find contact centers around the United States here.
You can also call 866-FIND-211 (866-346-3211) to find your county's 211 in California. Your call can be transferred to your local 2-1-1.
(Note: If you work at a 2-1-1 in California and would like your county to route appropriately through the 866-find-211 phone line, please contact Eve Hamilton at
California 211 Direct Phone Numbers | |
2‑1‑1 is a free telephone number providing access to local community services. 2‑1‑1 is available in multiple languages, allowing people access to information and to obtain referrals for resources such as physical and mental health, housing, utility, food, transportation, employment assistance, and suicide and crisis interventions. 2‑1‑1 also provides disaster preparedness, response, and recovery during declared emergencies. | |
County | Number |
Alameda | 888-886-9660 |
Alpine | During disasters only |
Amador | No 211 service |
Butte | 866-916-3566 |
Calaveras | During disasters only |
Colusa | During disasters only |
Contra Costa | ------------------------------------------- 800-833-2900 (Contra Costa Crisis Center) from within Contra Costa County (does not accept long distance calls). To reach 211 Contra Costa County from outside the area call 800-830-5380. To reach 24/7 crisis line from anywhere in the USA call 800-273-8255 (the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). ------------------------------------------- |
Del Norte | During disasters only 844-987-0078-ACTIVE FOR COVID-19 |
El Dorado | ------------------------------------------- No 211 service - Contact El Dorado County Library Community Hubs for resource info ------------------------------------------- |
Fresno | 866-559-4211 (Valley 211) |
Glenn | 855-839-1175 |
Humboldt | 707-441-1001 or toll free 877-460-6000 |
Imperial | 800-227-0997 (San Diego 211) |
Inyo | During disasters only 844-987-0133-ACTIVE FOR COVID-19 |
Kern | 800-273-2275 |
Kings | 877-864-9290 |
Lake | During disasters only |
Lassen | During disasters only |
Los Angeles | 800-339-6993 |
Madera | During disasters only 844-987-0588-ACTIVE FOR COVID-19 |
Marin | 800-273-6222 (211 Bay Area) |
Mariposa | 844-287-7400 (Mountain Valley 211) |
Mendocino | 707- 462-4453 |
Merced | 844-287-7400 (Mountain Valley 211) |
Modoc | No 211 service |
Mono | During disasters only 844-987-0589-ACTIVE FOR COVID-19 |
Monterey | 831-417-7090 |
Napa | 800-273-6222 (211 Bay Area) |
Nevada | 833-342-5211 |
Orange | 888-600-4357 |
Placer | 833-342-5211 |
Plumas | No 211 service |
Riverside | 800-464-1123 |
Sacramento | 916-498-1000, 844-546-1464 |
San Benito | 800-273-6222 |
San Bernardino | 888-435-7565 |
San Diego | 800-227-0997 |
San Francisco | 800-273-6222 (211 Bay Area) |
San Joaquin | 800-436-9997 |
San Luis Obispo | 800-549-8989 |
San Mateo | 800-273-6222 (211 Bay Area) |
Santa Barbara | 800-400-1572 |
Santa Clara | 800-273-6222 (211 Bay Area) |
Santa Cruz | 831-713-4111 |
Shasta | 855-211-7822 (NorCal 211) |
Sierra | No 211 service |
Siskiyou | 844-987-0590 (NorCal 211) |
Solano | 800-273-6222 (211 Bay Area) |
Sonoma | 800-325-9604 |
Stanislaus | 877-211-7826 |
Sutter | During disasters only |
Tehama | 866-963-8182 (NorCal 211) |
Trinity | During disasters only |
Tulare | 800-283-9323 |
Tuolumne | No 211 service |
Ventura | 800-339-9597 |
Yolo | 800-500-4931 (Sac 211) |
Yuba | No 211 service |
Notes | |
• 6 counties have no 211 service | |
• 11 counties have 211 service during disasters only | |
• 5 of those 11 counties have activated disaster status for COVID-19 | |
• Sources: California Public Utilities Commission - June 2020 and 211 Connecting Point updates to CPUC info - November 2020 |
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