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The Salvation Army is a charitable, faith-based organization that offers support services. Some services may not be available at all times due to funding issues, so call to check on current status.
Roseville Corps service area is cities of Rocklin and Roseville ONLY. (No longer serves Granite Bay 95746, Lincoln 95648, Loomis 95650, Penryn 95663, Sheridan 95681. No other Corps is currently serving those areas.)
Cities, zip codes served by The Salvation Army Roseville Corps
Rocklin | 95677 |
Rocklin | 95765 |
Roseville | 95661 |
Roseville | 95678 |
Roseville | 95747 |
Services include:
The City of Roseville's Waste Services Division provides weekly collection for nearly 50,000 residential homes and over 1,500 commercial customers.
Web pages
The City of Roseville runs its own electric utility. It is completely separate from PG&E and Pioneer Community Energy. In addition to providing electricity to residents of the City of Roseville, it has its own medical and other payment assistance plans. Roseville Electric customers are not eligible for PG&E programs or payment plans.
Web pages
PROJECT GO, INC. #13871002
The HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (HEAP) is a program of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) which provides assistance to eligible low-income households.
To apply for HEAP assistance, call 888-524-5705. Then:
PROJECT GO, INC. #80126920
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) provides free weatherization services and products to improve a home’s energy efficiency and reduce overall utility costs, including attic insulation, weather-stripping, caulking, minor home repairs, and related conservation measures (see below), as applicable within the program guidelines.
Products and services provided are based upon the evaluation of cost effectiveness and essential needs.
Weatherization services consist of a full assessment of all weatherization measures that Project GO, Inc. has to offer, including heating and cooling (HCS) services.
Once accepted into the program, a thorough assessment of the residence is conducted, including carbon monoxide testing.
Eligibility and Application
For income eligibility and further program information, please call 916-782-3443 between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday through Friday.
This Project GO program serves the entirety of both Nevada and Placer counties.
Web pages
RECOLOGY #89044474
Recology Auburn Placer provides residential and commercial yard waste, recycling, and garbage collection to the communities of Auburn, Colfax, Rocklin, the Town of Loomis, and Unincorporated Placer County. The City of Roseville has its own waste services division. The City of Lincoln is served by Waste Management, Inc.
All sharps waste must be transported to a collection center in an approved sharps container. Home-generated sharps waste includes hypodermic needles, syringes, and lancets that are used for medical purposes. Sharps in approved biohazard containers can be brought to the Recology Auburn Placer Transfer Station for safe disposal.
Visit the Placer-Nevada Rx Drug Safety Coalition for additional free year-round medical drop-off sites.
Sharps Mail-Back Service
Visit CalRecycle for a list of companies that are authorized to provide sharps waste mail-back services in California.
Web pages
Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) is the primary water resource agency for Placer County, California, with a broad range of responsibilities including water resource planning and management, retail and wholesale supply of drinking water and irrigation water, and production of hydroelectric energy.
After Hours Emergency
If you have an after-hours emergency, please call (530) 823-4850 and our answering service will relay your call to standby personnel who can assist you.
Web pages
AT&T #76282475