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Feeding The Foothills (FTF) operates the Feed Our Future Program, which provides food assistance to a wide variety of clients.
Web pages
Feeding The Foothills feeds the hungry through its network of partner agencies, educating the community about hunger, and advocating for hunger relief.
To see the most up-to-date schedule of public food distributions:
Food distributions are provided through agencies in El Dorado, Nevada, and Placer counties.
Feeding The Foothills also hosts FREE Drive-Thru Food Distributions (formerly Free Farmers Markets).
Web pages
USDA's Fire and Food Safety offers useful information to the public.
Generally, saving food that's been in a fire is not a good idea. Food exposed to fire can be compromised by three factors: the heat of the fire, smoke fumes, and chemicals used to fight fire.
Heat from the Fire
Food in cans or jars may appear to be okay, but if they've been close to the HEAT of a fire, they may no longer be safe. Why? Heat from a fire can activate food spoilage bacteria. If the heat is extreme, the cans or jars themselves can split or rupture, rendering the food unsafe.
Fumes from a Fire
One of the most dangerous elements of a fire is sometimes not the fire itself, but toxic fumes released from burning materials. Those fumes can kill; they can also contaminate food.
Chemicals in Fires
Chemicals used to fight fires contain toxic materials and can contaminate food and cookware.
Web pages
[read more]US FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION #87320000
The US Food & Drug Administration protects public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of the nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.
Web pages
The Nevada County Food & Farm Directory is a product directory for local farms and ranches, including contact information. Updated annually. Many of the listed farms and ranches participate in local Farmers Markets.
Web pages
Tahoe Truckee Unified School District provides free meals for students through its Food & Nutrition Services.
Tahoe Truckee Unified School District (TTUSD) is providing free summer meals for children aged 18 and younger and any adults with developmental disabilities. Participants do not need to be enrolled in a TTUSD school site.
Participants can receive five breakfasts and five lunches, delivered to the following locations every Monday until August 9th, 2024:
Web pages
The Harvest Community Church Drive-Thru Food Closet is open to the community every last Tuesday of the month between 4:30 pm-5:30 pm. Receive bags of groceries, provided by the Placer Food Bank without leaving your vehicle (as supplies last).
Web pages
SALT MINE #65631170
The Salt Mine offers emergency services to the city of Lincoln and surrounding communities. Their main charitable activity is the food closet, presently offering emergency food to over one thousand needy families in the area each month.
In addition, they help with emergency clothing, household items, and transportation. Other emergency needs are met on an ’as available basis’ or by referral such as bathing and laundry facilities to name a few.
All items sold in these thrift shops are donated by local supporters.
The Salt Mine offers emergency and hot lunches Tue-Fri, 10am-12pm.
Web pages
Interfaith Food Ministry provides supplemental groceries, including baby formula and baby food when available, to low-income individuals and families.
People needing free supplemental groceries are allowed to come to IFM once every other week.
Food Distribution
Reservation System
Free Phones
Free phones (also known as lifeline phones or Obama phones) are available at Saturday food distributions for eligible low-income Nevada County residents. Eligibility is based on income. For example, people who receive CalFresh/EBT and Medi-Cal are eligible. Expect to present proof of income and have a photo ID.