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The City of Nevada City can address code compliance issues and other concerns or complaints.
To submit a Hazardous Vegetation Complaint for Code Compliance Investigation complete an Investigation Request form.
Web pages
Healthcare is available for individuals and families through programs including Medi-Cal, Medicare Premium Payment assistance, and the County Medical Services Program (CMSP).
Medi-Cal is California's Medicaid health care program. This is a public health insurance program that pays for a variety of medical services for children and adults with limited income and resources.
Medicare Savings Plan (MSP) formerly called Medicare Premium Payment Program
Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people 65 or older, and some younger people with disabilities. To apply for Medicare, you need to go through the federal government - you can apply online at If you have Medicare coverage, Medi-Cal may be able to pay your Medicare Part B premiums through a Medicare Savings Plan. You may also be eligible to receive Medicare and Medi-Cal coverage at the same time, which can help reduce your out-of-pocket costs. People are encouraged to apply for full scope Medi-Cal…
Nevada County Service Request Forms allow local residents to submit service requests to Nevada County, report issues, or file complaints.
Web pages
Western Sierra Medical Clinic provides comprehensive primary medical care services for all members of the family, from infants to the elderly.
Services include:
Web pages
The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center provides information about health and human services programs and helps callers connect to the services that best meet their needs.
Services are available by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and by text and instant message Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5pm. Help is offered in many languages.
Services are accessible to people with disabilities. The 211 Connecting Point website offers guided searches by topic with information on community programs and services.
In the event of disasters such as wildfires and winter storms, 211 Connecting Point provides timely disaster-related information via the 211 call center and website.
Service area: Nevada County, Placer County, Tahoe/Truckee
Web pages
The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center can refer people to other 211 call centers in California and around the USA.
Find contact centers around the United States here.
You can also call 866-FIND-211 (866-346-3211) to find your county's 211 in California. Your call can be transferred to your local 2-1-1.
(Note: If you work at a 2-1-1 in California and would like your county to route appropriately through the 866-find-211 phone line, please contact Eve Hamilton at
California 211 Direct Phone Numbers | |
2‑1‑1 is a free telephone number providing access to local community services. 2‑1‑1 is available in multiple languages, allowing people access to information and to obtain referrals for resources such as physical and mental health, housing, utility, food, transportation, employment assistance, and suicide and crisis interventions. 2‑1‑1 also provides disaster preparedness, response, and recovery during declared emergencies. | |
County | Number |
LABCORP #68901316
The Food Bank of Nevada County offers food home delivery for eligible families.
Call FREED at 530-477-3333 for a screening to learn if you are eligible for food home delivery due to inability to leave your home to get your own groceries. For seniors and people with disabilities who have absolutely no way to get to a food distribution anywhere.
Web pages
Interfaith Food Ministry, in a partnership with SpeeDee Carts, offers food home delivery to eligible people. Qualifying clients include seniors, people with disabilities, and people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are in isolation.
When? Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week of the month
For information and eligibility screening, call Interfaith Food Ministry at 530-273-8132.
Web pages
This is a Ready to Grow (R2G) resource. Ready to Grow is a First 5 Nevada County program to connect children 0-5 with services and information that support their well-being. Organizations with programs that have this R2G tag may have additional programs of interest to families.
The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center can text community members information on resources.
Information and Referral (I&R)
For local resources to meet your needs. Live agents are available Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm.
Placer County resources
For occasional alerts (1-2 times a week) on resources only available in Placer County.
Non-emergency disaster info (not active at this time)
Standard msg and data rates may apply. Text STOP to opt-out, Text HELP for technical assistance. For terms and conditions for texting with 898211, visit here.
Web pages