400 Eagle Station Lane
Carson City, Carson City
Phone 1
Toll free-can call 24/7 to report gas leak AFTER calling 911
Phone 2
Energy Savings Assistance Program
Weatherizing your home can reduce your energy bills. Ways you can increase the efficiency of your home include:
- Insulating attics, floors, and windows
- Ceiling and duct insulation
- Duct leakage sealing
- Shell infiltration sealing
- Insulation of water heater and water heater pipes
- Minor home repairs
- Heating and cooling systems, repairs and replacements
These upgrades may be available to eligible Southwest Gas customers in northern California through the Energy Savings Assistance program. Eligibility is determined by either total household gross income or if the household receives other public assistance through programs such as Medicaid/Medi-Cal, Supplemental Security Income, CalFresh/SNAP, Head Start (Tribal Only), Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, WIC, National School Lunch Program, Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP), CalWORKS (TANF) or Tribal TANF. Call 866-812-5766.
Web pages