  • 11434 B Avenue, Suite 300
    Auburn, Placer
  • Business Line

ADOPTION - Children are best served in loving permanent family environments.

Children's System of Care provides placement approval for matched families through the Resource Family Approval process, and support for parents wishing to voluntarily relinquish their children for adoption.

Potential Adoptive Families
If you interested in becoming an adoptive family please visit the Adoption & Permanency Services page of Stanford Sierra Youth & Families.

Becoming a Foster or Adoptive Parent

Placer County has a continuing need for foster and adoptive families. Placer County provides foster care licensing and adoptive home studies to families who are interested in opening their homes. Placer County works in partnership with several community based organizations such as Koinonia Family Services, Stanford Youth Solutions/Sierra Forever Families, Lilliput Family Services, and Families for Children to recruit and educate new foster and adoptive parents.

Stanford Sierra Youth & Families (merger of Stanford Youth Solutions and Sierra Forever Families) -
Koinonia Family Services -
Lilliput Family Services -
Families for Children -

These programs also provide ongoing support for families to better deal with issues the children face. Children do best when they can stay in their own schools and live in their own communities. Placer County also has children who need temporary foster care, which could be anywhere from 3 to 12 months in time. Additionally, there are children who are unable to return to their families and need permanent homes either through adoption or guardianship.

Emergency Placement Families
Placer County contracts with Koinonia Family Services to operate the Emergency Placement Family program. Emergency Placement Families are foster family homes that provide temporary care for children of all ages. They provide care for up to 30 days, until the children either return to their birth families, or are placed with a longer term foster care home.

Emergency Placement Families are usually certified for a maximum of two children. A monthly stipend is provided for each available bed/child for which the home is contracted. This stipend is paid whether or not children are actually placed with the Emergency Placement Family during the contract month.

When a child is placed with the Emergency Placement Family, they receive both the stipend and the prorated monthly foster care rate. These Emergency Placement Families are expected to be on call 24-hours. 7 days a week with four days off per month. Please contact Koinonia Family Services if you are interested in becoming an Emergency Placement family by calling 1-877-244-5374.