1800 Threlkel Street
Reno, Washoe
Phone 1
Nevada Cares Campus - Emergency Shelter
Phone 2
Our Place - Shelter for single women & families
Washoe County, Nevada, has
housing and homeless services in Reno that may be available to people who inquire from the Tahoe Truckee area.
Washoe County's Cares Campus is a low barrier emergency shelter that provides adult individuals challenged with homelessness some of the following basic services: congregate housing, sleeping accommodations, restrooms, showers, meals, and mail service.The Nevada Cares Campus (NCC)
Emergency Shelter admits men, women, and couples. Pets allowed.
Location: 1800 Threlkel St., Reno, NV, 89512
Contact Phone Number: 775-329-4141
Criteria for emergency bed:
(a) NCC participants must be currently experiencing homelessnessand want to end their homelessness as quickly as possible; (b) NCC participantsmust be at least 18 years of age; (c) NCC participants must meet activities ofdaily living (ADLs); (d) NCC participants do not need to be US citizens, nordo they have to have any documented immigration status.
The Nevada Cares Campus
Safe Camp serves as a space where staff provides access to basic services and a more secure location for individuals not wishing to move into congregate shelters. To be eligible the person must complete an application form, be willing to work towards a housing plan and be able to manage their own activities of daily living.
Location: Line Dr., Reno, NV, 89512
Contact information:
Our Place is a shelter for single women and families.
Location: 605 S 21st St, Sparks, NV 89431
Contact Info: 775-328-2700, info@renoinitiative.org
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